Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A New Adventure

Well, here I am, starting on another new adventure. Blogging. What is a blog? Seems to be an online journal or diary.

Diaries I know... remember the cute little diaries from grade school? With the lock and key. We'd write important stuff like
" I really, really, really like Tommy. He's so cute! He looked at me in science class today. Maybe I'll ask Jill to ask Jack to ask Tommy if he likes me."

Journals I know....pregnancy journals, weight loss journals. I think I still have a few of those floating around in the attic.

So now it's time to try blogging. Same concept, just a different name and form. What is this going to be about? I'm not sure. I'm just going to take it day by day. I'm sure eBay and my eBay store and adventures in selling will be a big part of it, as they are a big part of my life. Kids, grandkids, just life in general.

Enough for now...let's see if this really works!


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