Thursday, December 15, 2005

2005: The Christmas without a Mall

It's December 15th, and I have not stepped foot inside a mall or a department store, and not even Wally World.

No, I'm not a procrastinator with all my shopping left to do. (well, I AM a procrastinator but not about this)

No, I haven't turned into Scrooge and said "Bah Humbug" to giftgiving this year.

I discovered online shopping. And I love it. No fighting the crowds. No cruising for blocks looking for a parking place. Blizzard outside? Not a problem. I'm warm and toasty in my jammies, credit card in hand, doing my Christmas shopping. The Fed-Ex guy is the one parking a block away and wading through the snow because the snowplow forgot my street exists. I'm the one curled up with a blanket in front of the fireplace.

I may never leave my house again.


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