Thursday, January 05, 2006

Here come the Hearts

Overnight, it seems, my local mall has transformed from a winter wonderland to a sea of hearts.

Last week I was shopping the after-Christmas sales and spending those gift cards (Thanks Mom), dodging Santas and strings of lights on clearance tables.

This week, taking my son school clothes shopping, we were met with frilly, mushy, hearts and flowers decor everywhere we turned.

While personally I dread this rushing of the seasons, the business side of me understands the need to use each valuable day leading up to the next holiday, as missed opportunity leads to leftover stock taking valuable storage space until next year. So I'm stocking up on the Valentine's Day items in my eBay store, and working on my Valentine gift baskets. When in Rome......

Something I'm excited about: the new Josh Turner video "Your Man" debuts on CMT today on the Top 20 show. Watch it!


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