Monday, February 06, 2006

Baby Blues

I'm really, really glad I don't have little babies anymore.

We had AJ over the weekend. He's 6 weeks old. Mommy and Daddy needed some sleep so we took him. Grandma and Grandpa were happy to have him come over....and happy to have him go home. Last night Grandma and Grandpa were the ones who needed sleep. Friday night wasn't bad....he slept two 4 hour stretches. Smugly, we were thinking to ourselves, well, this isn't too bad, I don't know why the parents are tired. Ha! Saturday night AJ slept one period of two hours. Everything else was less than an hour. He's been drinking half-formula and half Pedialite bottles due to a cold. At 2AM Sunday morning Grandpa was at the 24 hour Walmart because AJ decided he doesn't like the regular formula by itself anymore and wasn't going to wait till morning for more Pedialite, and no, formula, water or juice was NOT good enough. So Grandpa went to Wally World in his slippers, AJ screamed, and Grandma thanked God her kids were teenagers and revoked every horrible thing she ever said about teens, while counting the minutes till Grandpa made it home.

AJ went home yesterday. We had dinner at 2 in the afternoon. Grandpa was in bed sleeping by 5 o'clock. Grandma is now coming down with a cold and was up coughing most of the night.

Have a good day.....I'm going back to bed. Good Night!


Blogger momma of 2 said...

Saw you visited - just thought I'd drop by and say hi!

Hope you get some much needed sleep! My mom says the same thing about my kids- great to have them visit - even better when they go home!

8:31 PM  
Blogger Fantastagirl said...

Check out this page...

You might recognize a few of the people...

4:28 PM  

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