Monday, May 01, 2006

Wow it's been a long time

I didn't realize it had been so long since I'd posted here. Life has a way of slipping by when you're not watching, doesn't it?

I've been busy preparing for our trip to Nashville. I didn't know at the time we planned this, but with the snow days the kids have to make up at the end of the school year, their last day of school is June 5th and we leave on June 6th. No pressure there...LOL. Want to guess who will be doing all the laundry, packing and double-checking for the trip?

My first goals are getting prepared financially, which I am working on, and selling those softball tickets we can't use. DH and I have made budgets for gas and food, which will be our two biggest expenses for the trip. Thank goodness we have tickets and hotels already paid.

Sometime this week I want to make packing lists, and a master list of all things we need to get completed.

I've been working hard at getting items listed in the eBay store, and getting all work caught up there. I've decided to put the store on vacation while I'm gone, and post a notice that I will be gone.

Have a great day!!