Monday, May 01, 2006

Wow it's been a long time

I didn't realize it had been so long since I'd posted here. Life has a way of slipping by when you're not watching, doesn't it?

I've been busy preparing for our trip to Nashville. I didn't know at the time we planned this, but with the snow days the kids have to make up at the end of the school year, their last day of school is June 5th and we leave on June 6th. No pressure there...LOL. Want to guess who will be doing all the laundry, packing and double-checking for the trip?

My first goals are getting prepared financially, which I am working on, and selling those softball tickets we can't use. DH and I have made budgets for gas and food, which will be our two biggest expenses for the trip. Thank goodness we have tickets and hotels already paid.

Sometime this week I want to make packing lists, and a master list of all things we need to get completed.

I've been working hard at getting items listed in the eBay store, and getting all work caught up there. I've decided to put the store on vacation while I'm gone, and post a notice that I will be gone.

Have a great day!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Baby Blues

I'm really, really glad I don't have little babies anymore.

We had AJ over the weekend. He's 6 weeks old. Mommy and Daddy needed some sleep so we took him. Grandma and Grandpa were happy to have him come over....and happy to have him go home. Last night Grandma and Grandpa were the ones who needed sleep. Friday night wasn't bad....he slept two 4 hour stretches. Smugly, we were thinking to ourselves, well, this isn't too bad, I don't know why the parents are tired. Ha! Saturday night AJ slept one period of two hours. Everything else was less than an hour. He's been drinking half-formula and half Pedialite bottles due to a cold. At 2AM Sunday morning Grandpa was at the 24 hour Walmart because AJ decided he doesn't like the regular formula by itself anymore and wasn't going to wait till morning for more Pedialite, and no, formula, water or juice was NOT good enough. So Grandpa went to Wally World in his slippers, AJ screamed, and Grandma thanked God her kids were teenagers and revoked every horrible thing she ever said about teens, while counting the minutes till Grandpa made it home.

AJ went home yesterday. We had dinner at 2 in the afternoon. Grandpa was in bed sleeping by 5 o'clock. Grandma is now coming down with a cold and was up coughing most of the night.

Have a good day.....I'm going back to bed. Good Night!

Friday, January 27, 2006

What Planet Are You From?

You Are From the Sun

Of all your friends, you're the shining star.
You're dramatic - loving attention and the spotlight.
You're a totally entertainer and the life of the party.
Watch out! The Sun can be stubborn, demanding, and flirty.
Overall, you're a great leader and great friend. The very best!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Your Man by Josh Turner available now

We saw Josh Turner in Bowler, WI on Saturday night. He was just as sweet as always.

The new CD is finally available in stores nationwide. If you didn't get a presale copy, go pick one up.

You won't be sorry.

Monday, January 23, 2006

WISCONSIN---Christmas is over---Please turn off the lights.

One thing we noticed on our trip through Wisconsin was the overabundance of houses still displaying Christmas lights. We understand it's cold and you don't want to take them down yet, but did you not notice that Christmas was a month ago? You can turn the lights off now.

On the way home, I used the restroom at a gas station. While in there, I heard someone enter.....humming Christmas songs. I about choked trying not to bust out laughing.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Here come the Hearts

Overnight, it seems, my local mall has transformed from a winter wonderland to a sea of hearts.

Last week I was shopping the after-Christmas sales and spending those gift cards (Thanks Mom), dodging Santas and strings of lights on clearance tables.

This week, taking my son school clothes shopping, we were met with frilly, mushy, hearts and flowers decor everywhere we turned.

While personally I dread this rushing of the seasons, the business side of me understands the need to use each valuable day leading up to the next holiday, as missed opportunity leads to leftover stock taking valuable storage space until next year. So I'm stocking up on the Valentine's Day items in my eBay store, and working on my Valentine gift baskets. When in Rome......

Something I'm excited about: the new Josh Turner video "Your Man" debuts on CMT today on the Top 20 show. Watch it!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

2005: The Christmas without a Mall

It's December 15th, and I have not stepped foot inside a mall or a department store, and not even Wally World.

No, I'm not a procrastinator with all my shopping left to do. (well, I AM a procrastinator but not about this)

No, I haven't turned into Scrooge and said "Bah Humbug" to giftgiving this year.

I discovered online shopping. And I love it. No fighting the crowds. No cruising for blocks looking for a parking place. Blizzard outside? Not a problem. I'm warm and toasty in my jammies, credit card in hand, doing my Christmas shopping. The Fed-Ex guy is the one parking a block away and wading through the snow because the snowplow forgot my street exists. I'm the one curled up with a blanket in front of the fireplace.

I may never leave my house again.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Houston Traffic Jams

Houston Evacuees escape Hurricane Rita using Interstate 45. To speed the evacuation, the governor halted all southbound traffic into Houston and took the unprecedented step of opening all eight lanes to northbound traffic out of the city for 125 miles.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Staying? Better write your SS# on your body


Mayor Alan Tharling of Port Lavaca, a city on the Texas coast between Houston and Corpus Christi, is taking creative measures to make citizens take the threat of Hurricane Rita seriously.

Tharling says that the 1,000 or so die-hards who refuse to evacuate are being given permanent markers and asked to write their Social Security number, next of kin and a phone number on their arm or across their abdomen — so that returning officials can identify their bodies.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The First Dance

They danced....I cried.

Here Comes The Bride

My son got married on Saturday, here's his bride with her father.


This is a test post from

A New Adventure

Well, here I am, starting on another new adventure. Blogging. What is a blog? Seems to be an online journal or diary.

Diaries I know... remember the cute little diaries from grade school? With the lock and key. We'd write important stuff like
" I really, really, really like Tommy. He's so cute! He looked at me in science class today. Maybe I'll ask Jill to ask Jack to ask Tommy if he likes me."

Journals I know....pregnancy journals, weight loss journals. I think I still have a few of those floating around in the attic.

So now it's time to try blogging. Same concept, just a different name and form. What is this going to be about? I'm not sure. I'm just going to take it day by day. I'm sure eBay and my eBay store and adventures in selling will be a big part of it, as they are a big part of my life. Kids, grandkids, just life in general.

Enough for now...let's see if this really works!